revolutionising the world of manufacturing

3D printing offers many advantages, and is revolutionising manufacturing and product development across many industries.

At Unusual Projects we have SLA & FDM 3D printing capabilities, this gives us the ability to produce high-accuracy prototypes, models and functional components in any form imaginable, from a variety of materials. SLA prints are high resolution for items such as models and to a higher density for components such as gears. FDM printing allows us to quickly produce prototypes and larger objects.

Main benefits of 3D printing.

  • Rapid and affordable prototyping

  • Solid, robust and lightweight parts

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Print on demand

  • Quality and consistency

  • Perceptible design and product testing

  • Unlimited geometry and shapes

3D printing offers many advantages, and is revolutionising manufacturing and product development across many industries.

One of the great advantages of 3D printing is the ability to quickly produce items with minimal requirements for post processing, e.g. sanding / polishing / smoothing. The materials used can offer specific attributes such as water repellence, higher strength as well as heat resistance.

A great positive is that 3D printing technology reduces the quantity of waste materials created during the production process. Moreover, this technology helps further better the environment since the lightweight 3D printed models can make cars or aircraft significantly more fuel-efficient. Recycled, recyclable and organic plant based materials can also be utilized.

The ability to quickly print products for testing and sampling can be invaluable, as it enables the client to physically see and feel the object and for us to test the principle works which is obviously not something we can achieve through a drawing.

A great example is on a current project where 3D printing not only enabled us to produce bespoke vowel chambers, it also allowed us to fine tune the sound produced reassuring our client of the end result.

We have utilised 3D printing for interactive exhibits, model-making and various components for numerous weird and wonderful tasks from producing a working Mars Rover model, a replica V1 rocket to a model pig. The possibilities are almost endless!

3D printing is a great way to quickly produce high-accuracy prototypes, models and functional components. We would love to hear of any weird and wonderful projects you may have in mind!

Carol Fenner, Development Director


My unusual projects life with Dean Hayton


learning through play and experience